El Quijote de la Mancha
Miguel de Cervantes and his masterpiece El Quijote de la Mancha.
CBS votes IDESLI one of the best language schools in San Francisco! NEW Beginner Spanish Course on Tuesdays 6:00pm to 7:30pm, High Beginner Spanish Course on Wednesdays 4:30pm to 6:00pm and Intermediate Spanish Course on Thursdays 5:30pm to 6:00pm and Beginner French Course on Thursdays from 5:30pm to 7:00pm and Intermediate French Course on Wednesdays 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Join us or Email us at info@idesli.com for other course schedules!
Miguel de Cervantes and his masterpiece El Quijote de la Mancha.
Radio Show about the Spanish most delicious known dishes!
The influence of the different cultures in the global business world is essential for building successful International Relations. This issue is based on the new global business perspectives and what is important to consider in developing an International Business plan. Companies have the challenge of presenting and expanding into new horizons, and it is really important to fully understand those new markets that the company is planning to expand in.…